What Are the Design Aspects of Century 21 Business Cards?
Century 21 business cards have a certain flair that makes them stand out from the rest. Even if you use ready-made templates, you can still customize your cards to add a personal touch. So what are some things you must remember as you craft the perfect business card? The design aspects of Century 21 business cards · Color Some of the most recognizable features of Century 21 are the company’s colors. The palette, a combination of Relentless Gold, Obsessed Gray, and white, must be used consistently to reflect the brand. How do you incorporate these colors into your business cards? One example is to use them as a background, separating the gold, gray, and white, like stripes on a shirt. Another creative idea is to use gray as a solid background and gold as the font color, or vice versa. · Font Century 21’s official type families are Typold, Oakes, Barlow, and Arial. This allows for...